1 - Chemical Naming System
Just as atoms have their own rules for which atoms bond together and how, molecules also adhere to rules. But, before we broach those, where do the names of these molecules come from? Is it a complex naming system and is any information revealed within a name?
Bureaucratic Communication: The Management of COVID-19
Bureaucracy is getting in the way of the communication of necessary information to the public. I want to provide an explanation for the public theater that's taking place, as well as solutions for how the public can avoid it.
2020 - Accessibility in Flux
The 2020 Address of Flux Science, stating goals and aspirations over the coming year.
Changing Course: Improving Interest in STEM
The way we teach our children underestimates their potential. Curricula and standards of communication today need to be improved in a way that addresses foundational sciences first in order to meet the challenges that children require to stimulate their curiosity.
Significance: Elemental Flow
The significance of the Elemental Flow arc as it pertains to our reality.
4 - Properties of Metals, Non-metals and Metalloids
The dances of chemistry can really be spectacular and unique. The best part is, the periodic table gives you a hint into the kinds of bonds that might happen.
Will Science Become Obsolete?
I came across an interesting set of theorems from a mathematician - Kurt Gödel - called Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems and it led me to asking if there are limits to science that would eventually lead to its obsolescence. Let's explore.
Science Is Not On Your Side
It can be really damaging to researchers when people misuse research to suit agendas that are unrelated to the actual content of the study. A reminder is needed: science doesn't choose sides.
Women: The Secret to Societal Progress
Women have been an undervalued boon for our societies for quite a long time. While we understand the problem, there has not been much elaboration on how destructive it actually can be.